The polyclinic covers more than 2,000 m2 in healthcare facilities with the latest technologies and innovative medical material. These tools, along with qualified professionals, form our perfect tandem to meet patient care and teaching needs, enabling our students to learn how to perform their profession in a real environment.
Our programmes offer comprehensive and up-to-date training in Physiotherapy, Psychology, Podiatry and Occupational Therapy. Our medical and health sciences experts will accompany students on their path to career success.
As a university clinic, students at Alfonso X University take continuous internships during the later years of their studies, promoting their contact with the working world and cutting-edge treatments. Students will be accompanied at all times by professional tutors who have extensive experience in Physiotherapy and Podiatry. At the end of your studies, you will be prepared to meet the challenges of the modern profession.
Physiotherapy students will learn the right tools to address the individual’s re-education or functional recovery. They may also treat patients with trauma, neurologic or respiratory pathologies requiring assistance from a physiotherapist professional.
In addition, we prepare future podiatrists to be able to take a patient, perform a diagnosis, prognosis and personalised treatment, and establish, execute and evaluate the necessary intervention protocols. Foot care is the foundation of the good health of our musculoskeletal system.
Our units are supervised by a reputable medical chart that will advise students in learning and provide good quality care.
We have a broad portfolio of services that address the different healthcare needs of patients in the area of:
All of our units enable the delivery of a comprehensive service for athletes, catering to the specific needs of each sport and patient.
We seek to offer the best quality of care for each of our patients with facilities such as: