UAX Library

Your study support, learning and research centre.

A space created to give all of our students the necessary information for their day-to-day education

Created with a clear objective, to facilitate access to information across the university community, by managing, organising and disseminating literature and documentaries.

We have a two-story room with 670 reading stations and a total of 79,000 copies in different media. In addition, we make available to all our students an accessible digital library, where they can access online databases, e-magazines and e-books.

Services available in our spaces


We make available to all students, for a limited time and outside the library area, all literature and documentary materials.

Reading rooms

We have a large reading room where you can access the available literature and access restricted access documents.

Dedicated staff

Our library staff are available in-room, in person, or via email for any questions.
